Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poll to end all polls...

Please pick your two (I know I can't pick just one) favorite book boyfriends :)

[polldaddy poll=4176727]

If I missed one, you get a special snowflake.


  1. I think it's funny that I picked the boys the girls in the books didn't pick...

    And I just have to add, that I was pretty damn close to adding an 'other'. It would have been Micheal from the Channeling Morpheus series, but then I just couldn't decide whether to go with Jacob or Simon :( You should have let me have 3 ;)

  2. :( I haven't read half these books. they are all on my to-read list now!

  3. Do I need to send you some books to borrow??? Who are you missing?

  4. You totally forgot Ethan in Beautiful Creatures/Beautiful Darkness *swoon* That other vote you got? Was me voting for him.

    My other vote was for I really have to explain?

    Yes, I know you're shocked that I didn't pick Edward or Jacob. While I love them, I wouldn't want to be their gf if they were the last two paranormal guys on the face of the Earth. :)

  5. You and I apparently have VERY different tastes, as I haven't read most of these!

  6. Different is good! Share with me what you read and I will definitely check them out! I love reading new stuff!

  7. Bwahahaha! I didn't vote for Jacob... I know SHOCKING! :) Bet ya can't guess who I DID vote for!!!

  8. I voted for Etienne but I also wrote in a vote for Wes from THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER. Sa-woon.

  9. Dear Marcus,

    I'm so sorry. You know I love you but I could only vote for two and let's face it, it took me longer to like you than it did Jamie and Etienne. Plus they have accents. Dinna fash love, you (and Ron) are still in the running.

    Love, Me

  10. I've only read (from this list)
    Hush Hush
    Hunger Games
    Sookie (Southern Vamp)
    Jessica Darling
    and the First 2 Harry Potter

    I put the rest on hold at the library ;)

  11. You've not read Shiver?! I need to send you this! I'll trade you for I am Number Four if you'd like! I'll send you Outlander too :) They are both great books. Shiver was my top read of last year! Anna and the French Kiss is this year, but I don't have a copy of it yet, I read an ARC from Jess.

  12. I actually have Shiver in my possession. And the entire Outlander series!
    I'm reading HP right now, so I'm a little preoccupied.
    I will get to them.. Promise! I have a long list of books I NEED to read

  13. Oh good, definitely hop on the Shiver! I'm still working on Linger. I didn't want to rush through it.
    I have only read the first two HP books. I wasn't thrilled with them like others I guess. I'll try to finish the series next year just so I can say I did it :)
