Thursday, January 27, 2011

@MichelleHodkin's debut novel climbing lists everywhere! @Borders Top Teen Reads for 2011!

I got this email this morning, you might have too! It's listing out all the top YA and children's reads for 2011. If you look at the new releases for 12-18, my girl's book is right there! :)

If you haven't preordered this incredibly amazing book, go now! AMAZON.COM

And you can check out my info on it on my page!

I've read it several times and I'm not bored of it yet. Michelle's voice is astounding and sharp, her Mara is incredible as the heroine and well, she makes me laugh with her sarcasm. Beauty with bite :)

As Lavar Burton says, "Don't take my word for it!" Preorder today :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Review: Across the Universe by @BethRevis Tantalizing and terrifying.


So I am not a big SciFi person... My childhood his riddled with dad and I watching Star Trek on Saturday mornings and we watched Star Wars together, but that is about where my Science Fiction background begins and ends. When my book girls started talking about this book, it sounded intriguing as well as having a kickass title. When several girls started an ARC tour of the book so we could blog about it as it was coming out on 01-11-11, I jumped on the list. When I got it and saw how big it was last weekend, I really was concerned if I'd be able to finish it.
SciFi's just not my thing, I'm really on a YA and Historical Fiction kick right now, it will distract me with all the technical stuff and I'll forget the plot... yeah, no. That is not at all what happened.

I started it yesterday midday. I finished it a few minutes ago.

I read in the car, at hockey, while making chicken soup from scratch with my stepmom all while convincing her to read it, curled up on the couch with Bella dog and the kitties, and in the tub tonight while trying to destress.

This book is awesome. And not like, "Yay, good yarn, kept the groundlings entertained for a while" good. This was frexing awesome!

The characters are very well drawn and even though it all happens over a matter of days, you get an entire lifetime, or three, in the pages. I immediately fell in love with Amy, the female lead character, and slowly warmed to Elder, the male. The point of view flips between the two which is something I'm glad to see more and more since I'm doing it in my own novel. I'm glad I'll not be the lone weirdo, or simple freak, as Amy is referred to in the book.

There are a lot of emotions riding throughout this story and on several occasions I was startled by the harshness and brutality that was considered "normal" on the Godspeed spaceship. The Season and the Fourth Floor had me completely disgusted and enthralled. I was also started to find myself agreeing with Eldest, the late Elder, and Elder. I know that's confusing, read the book, you'll get it. I was truly horrified by Eldest, but yet I understood his actions. I was scared by the way the late Elder behaved but also in the way I thought of how he had a semblance of the right idea... I could empathize with his choices. Then there is Elder, who you want to hug and smack repeatedly through the book. Especially at the end. He's been put in this integral role; that he never wanted, that he's not prepared for, and none of this is his fault. He does struggle so much, but yet, as Amy describes, he has this innocence and kindness muddled with the Leadership that's bred into him. I kept thinking "mancub" while reading.

There are a few scenes that I saw coming and was happy I could figure it out ahead of Amy and Elder. There are a few curveballs in there thanks to Beth's ability to turn a phrase and catch you off guard. Harley... wow. Such a wow.

The entire time you are on this stunning emotional rollercoaster. You are up with Amy who is strong and fragile, you are down with her as well when she's totally broken, but trying to stand on her own two feet in a situation that I can not totally comprehend. All the while there is a cunning, fascinating mystery thriller wrapping around an incredible social message threading it's way through this tale of power, love, strength, vulnerability, passion, anger, friendship, and peace.

If we don't have the sky, where are we?

If we can't help each other, who are we?

If we don't have truth, what do we have?

Mazel Tov Beth! You did an incredible job! And while I left with many a question, I enjoyed this book immensely. I may pick up another SciFi in the future! Care to write a sequel to help me with all the damned questions still ricocheting around my cerebrum? I hear murmurs of there being more, but no real facts... Beth? Anyone? Bueller?

Go pick it up. If you like a good mystery thriller, you won't be sorry! And check out Beth's site- and the book site as well, a lot of fun stuff, including several prizes for pics of you with your book! I'm still looking for the secret page, if anyone has a cheat, hook me up!

This book is Bella approved :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Review: Fever 1793 by @HalseAnderson

This story is extremely well told. It is sometimes sad and solemn, and yes, I did have to put it down a few times, but overall I really enjoyed this story as much as you can for a story about a plague killing thousands. It's very historically accurate and Laurie Halse Anderson goes out of her way even at the end of the book to bring you more historical facts. As with all the things that I've read from Laurie, she again takes something that no one wants to look at, and causes us to want to pay attention, we want to see it through and find the resolution. Her writing, even when about something awful like rape or death, is so engaging that you can't help but go along and see what happens.Yes, this girl's story is set in 1793, but her story, her bothers, her fight, is just as important to a girl now.

Matilda Cook or Mattie as she is called by her loved ones starts out as the average early teen girl... fighting with mom over chores, not wanting to be inside when everyone else is out, mooning over boys, wanting to hang out with her friend... but then slowly this tide comes, this "pestilence" as it is referred. She has no choice but to become tough, to straighten up, stand taller, and do for herself and those who cannot.

Mattie is a wonderful, young heroine and this is an excellent book for junior high and high school girls who might be thinking they just can't do anything right. I'm a grown up and I still have those days, then you stop and think what these women had to do. Between Mattie and Eliza, so much hurt and pain and fear is accumulated within the pages of Fever, but it is also overcome. Within the darkness there is hope.

I wish we knew more of Mattie and even Nathaniel, I would love to know how their futures as well as Eliza and her family ended up. I would also like to know what Mattie means when she says at the end "We have an understanding about Nell." What understanding? Who? What happens to them all?

Even with the sad, a few type errors, and some plague-centered disgust- I found this story hopeful. It's encouraging and meaningful and I would recommend for anyone to read it. It took me one sitting to plow through it entirely!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Review: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - Tragic, Captivating, Exceptional

“Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true. Here is the place where I love you."

When I started the Hunger Games series last year I was hesitant to say the least. When I read the synopsis it scared me. I don't like gratuitous violence and too dark of images can sometimes overtake me and I spend my nights dreaming and fretting over what I'm reading. Elie Weisel's Night gave me nightmares for weeks during my Holocaust Literature class in college. When I was in a creative writing course my sophomore year of college, Stephen King's Nightshift had me a wreck for days. I was tempted several times to put Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay in the freezer (Right Pinky?).

I must say no matter how many times I shuddered and cringed at the words on the pages from Suzanne Collins, I was glad to have been given the chance to read them. Collins creates a terrifying world full of hate and blood, but also self-reliance, hope, and passion. You hurt so much for Katniss through all three books. I'll try not to spoil anything for those of you still reading, but in the beginning you are torn between feeling total anger and hatred for the Capitol, fear for Katniss, sorry for Peeta and Gale, to wanting to throttle them both, then you want to throttle Katniss and Haymitch, and then you are back to fretting and wavering between teams. I started out as Team Katnip. :) For the longest time... I still remain on her side.

There are a few scenes in Mockingjay that are difficult to swallow. Being also on Team Cinna, Team Haymitch, Team Gale, Teem Peeta, Team Finnick, and Team Buttercup strongly through the books, my heart was torn up several times through out. In the end, you want nothing more than to hold each of them and give them everything. Suzanne had difficult choices to make and I am proud of her for not taking the "failboat" approach and HEAing this entire story. It would not have done them justice. This quote: "At the moment, the choice would be simple. I can survive just fine without either of them" by our young heroine Katniss Everdeen made my heart swell. We all want the Happily, Happily for our darlings... every heroine who has stood beneath the tree pledging to never go hungry deserves her cake and to eat it yes?

Katniss is no hero because of her happily ever after with the perfect boy, the hunter or the baker. She is our hero because she finds herself in ruins and brushes herself off with some help from Madge and Haymitch and others, but her growth, her strength, her completeness within herself, that is where we find our hero. Her heartbreak is numerous and unbearable, but she rises again and again.

She is Katniss Everdeen, she is 16 years old, she is a tribute in the Hunger Games.
She is our hero.

We have several characters, while they are not main characters, protagonists, or heroes, they pull at your heartstrings over and over. This one scene resonated with me and nearly had me in tears: "It's meant to be pretty," whispers Octavia, and I can see the tears threatening to spill over her lashes.
Posy considers this and says matter-of-factly, "I think you'd be pretty in any color."
The tiniest of smiles forms on Octavia's lips. "Thank you."

Through these books you find yourself falling in love and having your heart broken repeatedly, yet you keep reading. You are captivated and held captive by the words that spear your heart over and over. If you are like me, you find yourself in tears in an Olive Garden then get into a rousing book debate with your friend who made you finish at the table and a waitress. It grabs everyone who reads it by the throat and the heart and does not let go til the end. I only wish that Collins had given us more in the end. I know it was sweet and to-the-point, but I so wished we could've been given more. I can't say what without spoiling it, but when you finish reading Mockingjay, you'll know what I'm talking about.

As the cliche says, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all." This rings so true within the bloody, battle-worn pages of Hunger Games, it pushes you to the limits through the flames of Catching Fire, and burns like embers along the wings of Mockingjay.

Below are just some of the fan art
that I couldn't fit in that I found while
I was looking for the above quotes.
I couldn't leave them out. These people are so talented!

This is the teaser trailer for the Hunger Games movie that Suzanne Collins is thank goodness writing the screenplay for and is being funded by Lionsgate. If you've not read the first book, do not click. Warning it is graphic and it will break your heart.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Top Reads of 2010

Several friends asking for my top ten reads of 2010, so even though it is a little late, here goes!

1- Anna and the French Kiss

This story had everything. Really.
There were swoon-worthy moments. Sighing. Beautiful, not-perfect boys. Snarky, smart, sweet girls. Sighs. Stomach drops. Cheering. Yes... I cheered. I even squeed a little. I'm not ashamed.
My husband even mocked me for hugging the book after I wrote my note in it. Yeah, hugged it. That's how good it is.
This book had so many great moments and I can't think of anything I would change about it. It had me up and down and that's how I know it was good. It affected my emotions, for better and worse, it had me stuck to it; sneaking reads at my desk and in between teaching, dreaming of what would happen to Anna next, and it was just simply lovely.
Stephanie Perkins has a wonderful YA voice, but it's not immature. And thankfully, it's not contrived or condescending. Anna doesn't sound like a grown woman trying to sound like a teen girl. It's just Anna and her friends and her foes and Etienne'.
Ooooooh Etienne. "He has an acute accent and a cute accent." *le sigh*

2- The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Why? I am one proud beta momma. My friend Michelle Hodkin is official. I always knew she would be :) I have read her story probably 20 times in it's entirety as her beta reader and I am still not bored of it!
Look out YA world, here comes the enigmatic Mara Dyer and her incredible boy wonder, Noah Shaw. Michelle's cast of friends and family create a dynamic tapestry that envelopes you in a world of mystery and laughter. Her words grip you by the throat and heart and don't let you go til the adrenaline-pounding end. I'd like to tell you more, but then I'd have to kill you!

On shelves September 2011 :) You can preorder through now!

3- Lament

Maggie has done it again! I loved Dee and James and Luke. They were such wonderful and deep characters. I was able to read this in one day. We were camping so I started it on the ride up the mountain then finished it in the hammock by the fire. It was phenomenal! Maggie once again creates a world and you can see it in your head so clearly.
I didn't find anything in this book that I didn't like. Her voice was perfect and her imagery was amazing.
I highly recommend this! SO GOOOOOOD!
Maggie has done it again! I loved Dee and James and Luke. They were such wonderful and deep characters. I was able to read this in one day. We were camping so I started it on the ride up the mountain then finished it in the hammock by the fire. It was phenomenal! Maggie once again creates a world and you can see it in your head so clearly.
I didn't find anything in this book that I didn't like. Her voice was perfect and her imagery was amazing.
I highly recommend this story.

4- Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins is my new hero. She wrote a tough, thrilling, compelling story that pushes your heart into your throat repeatedly and makes you yell at your book and sigh and moan and groan and complain to your book friends that made you read it. You beg for spoilers and then yell, "No no no don't tell me!" over and over again.
I highly recommend for my YA friends as well as those who enjoy a good thrill a minute action story.


I'm so inlove with Katniss. She's exactly the kind of heroine that we need in YA books. She's tough and kind and full of spirit and spunk and moxy and a whole pile of other adjectives.
There were quite a few parts of this book that shook me. Rue in particular had me worrying my lip and yelling at my friends who made me read this. She was a fantastic addition and loss to the book. It hurt so much while reading.
I adored Peeta straight off, from the moment with the bread, I knew he'd be tugging at my heart the entire time. I did find myself asking "What about Gale?" All throughout the book as well.
I found myself so conflicted and torn throughout the entire story. You are so saddened by the situation of all these children but yet you are rooting for some to die. It really makes you think. I found myself drawing parallels as a HS teacher to my own students and their desire to kill each other and themselves both mentally and physically.
This story is intense. All the way to the last page, last sentence even. I am going out to find Catch Fire tomorrow for sure!

5- Catching Fire

Why? Incredible!
Suzanne Collins had me completely horrified and transfixed with Hunger Games and I thought she had a fifty-fifty shot of doing it again with this book. She did it. I was sucked in completely. I had to stop mid-way through to do NaNo but I would whine to my friends about wanting to finish it. I was happy that it was my last year of 2010 and I am now onto Mockingjay as my first read of 2011. I thought I would need a break from the series since Catching Fire is so incredibly intense and you find yourself panting because of the suspense, but I could not wait to read book three.
Collins has an uncanny ability to end every single chapter on a cliff and you are willing to stay up to all hours and slack off at work just to find out more about Katniss and her world. In Hunger Games I was Team Katniss, in Catching Fire I became Team Peeta, in Mockingjay I think I'm Team Buttercup/ Cinna :)
If you've not read Hunger Games, I won't put in spoilers, but you need to read this series. It is such a ride and it grabs your attention from the first chapter and doesn't let you go through book three. I'm actually wanting to go back to MJ right now!
If you know me, you know I don't do gore and much violence unless it is necessary to the plot... trust me, everything that happens is there for a reason and you will be stuck to the terror and pain just as much as you are to Katniss' incredible inner monologue and Peeta's selflessness and Gale's passion. You will gasp, sigh, and ignore those around you for this story. I promise! :)

6- Linger

Why? (only halfway through but I love it!) I adore Maggie, I'll read the phone book if she writes it. Her characters, especially Sam Roth make my heart happy. I can't wait to finish this one, but I'm waiting until we get closer to Forever because waiting for Linger sucked. So I am waiting just so I don't have to stress later :)

7- The Mortal Instrument Series

Why? Holy bejebus this is a great series! I was riveted! I read most of it in one sitting the nit took me two days because of work to get through the last fifty pages! Torture!
Clary is a fun, snarky character, she's believable in an unbelievable situation. I was rooting for her to toughen up. You find yourself on the edge of your seat while reading. It's truly beautifully written and fun to read. I highly recommend if you are into Paranormal YA. Jace is awesome, he's now on my list of great male protags :) He's cocky, smart, strong, but needs a little ass kickin :) I love it!

8- Hex Hall

Why? This was such a fun quick read! Thank you Angel for sending it to me!
Hawkins does a great job with creating a little world within the pages. Her voice as Sophie Mercer is hysterical and so enjoyable. It's nice to see YA female protags that aren't whiny and apathetic! Sophie has weakness, but she's feisty and snarky and not afraid to fight. We need more FMC like that! I really enjoyed this story! The other characters were awesome I loved Archer and Jenna. Both characters added so much! This was such a fun quick read! Thank you Angel for sending it to me!
Hawkins does a great job with creating a little world within the pages. Her voice as Sophie Mercer is hysterical and so enjoyable. It's nice to see YA female protags that aren't whiny and apathetic! Sophie has weakness, but she's feisty and snarky and not afraid to fight. We need more FMC like that! I really enjoyed this story! The other characters were awesome I loved Archer and Jenna. Both characters added so much to the story.
It was truly a great tale and it helped keep my mind off of a horrible flight. We spent an hour on the tarmac because of a storm, then three hours in flight during the storm. I was terrified. But, amazingly enough, Hex Hall kept my attention for almost all of it! That's saying a lot since flying terrifies me, especially turbulence!
I highly recommend Hex Hall and I can't wait to read the next one and find out more about both Sophie and Archer!

9- Hush, Hush

Why? I really, very much enjoyed this story. Becca (has a great name) has a fantastic voice within this story and it's a fun read as well as being intriguing. I thought I had figured it out, but then it twisted a bit and I didn't know half of what I thought I knew. I must say though, Vee annoyed me to no end and I kinda wanted someone to drop her off a building, but other than her, it was a great story. You have a fairly strong, non-whiney protag, in Nora- and Patch is well, just yummy :) I recommend this story to anyone in the market for a quick romp with some dark subject matter, but with fun characters and a fun climax that keeps you interested. I wish the ending had been more detailed because I just didn't want this story to end!

10- Crazy School

Why? I was totally enthralled by this story! I found so many parallels between Madeline and myself. Cornelia Read gave Madeline such a fantastic voice and I found myself giggling at every chapter until the end when I was just awestruck by the story. Even then I was cracking a smile while on the edge of my seat.
Although I'm not of Madeline's generation, I felt a kinship with her as I read along. I loved her husband Dean and her good friend Lulu. I also adored the students, especially Weisner and I was totally enthralled by this story! I found so many parallels between Madeline and myself. Cornelia Read gave Madeline such a fantastic voice and I found myself giggling at every chapter until the end when I was just awestruck by the story. Even then I was cracking a smile while on the edge of my seat.
Although I'm not of Madeline's generation, I felt a kinship with her as I read along. I loved her husband Dean and her good friend Lulu. I also adored the students, especially Weisner and Sitzman. I've always been partial to the troubled smartasses though! The characters are compelling, the plot is driving, and the climax has you clenched and eager for resolution, but sad when you know the story's done. I hated turning that last page because I didn't want it to end.
It's almost 1am and I just couldn't put it down. I had to know how it finished. The story is incredible. I would highly recommend to anyone. Especially teachers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

@MichelleHodkin's book cover!!!!!! SO PROUD OF MY GIRL!

I am so incredibly proud of my friend Michelle and I love Mara. I've read this already and I know it will be an incredible tale for YA and Para-thriller fans a like!

Here's my review from a while back after I had beta'd the novel-

I am one proud momma. My friend Michelle Hodkin is official. I always knew she would be :)
Look out YA world, here comes the enigmatic Mara Dyer and her incredible boy wonder, Noah Shaw. Michelle's cast of friends and family create a dynamic tapestry that envelopes you in a world of mystery and laughter. Her words grip you by the throat and heart and don't let you go til the adrenaline-pounding end. I'd like to tell you more, but I'd fave to kill you!

PREORDER AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - Last year of 2010!

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Suzanne Collins had me completely horrified and transfixed with Hunger Games and I thought she had a fifty-fifty shot of doing it again with this book. She did it. I was sucked in completely. I had to stop mid-way through to do NaNo but I would whine to my friends about wanting to finish it. I was happy that it was my last year of 2010 and I am now onto Mockingjay as my first read of 2011. I thought I would need a break from the series since Catching Fire is so incredibly intense and you find yourself panting because of the suspense, but I could not wait to read book three.
Collins has an uncanny ability to end every single chapter on a cliff and you are willing to stay up to all hours and slack off at work just to find out more about Katniss and her world. In Hunger Games I was Team Katniss, in Catching Fire I became Team Peeta, in Mockingjay I think I'm Team Buttercup/ Cinna :)
If you've not read Hunger Games, I won't put in spoilers, but you need to read this series. It is such a ride and it grabs your attention from the first chapter and doesn't let you go through book three. I'm actually wanting to go back to MJ right now!
If you know me, you know I don't do gore and much violence unless it is necessary to the plot... trust me, everything that happens is there for a reason and you will be stuck to the terror and pain just as much as you are to Katniss' incredible inner monologue and Peeta's selflessness and Gale's passion. You will gasp, sigh, and ignore those around you for this story. I promise! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kicking off 2011

Well, another year down. I am looking back at 2010 and thinking, "See ya sucker!"

It was a rough year health-wise but I was able to do some emotional house-cleaning which is always good. I turned 30 also which was different... not sure yet how I feel about 30. I'll tell you in August when I turn 31.

Reading-wise, I did well. 60 reads between betaing and books. *Pats own back*

I also wrote a novel.

*YAY!* Finishing NaNoWriMo for the first time was such an incredible feat. I was so so so proud. Like I haven't been that proud of myself since I was graduating college as the first person in my family to get a Bachelor's. It was incredible. Made even sweeter by having my husband finishing his degree that same weekend and having a group called the Plot Bunnies behind me.

We all finished together and it was incredible to have all these amazing people with me. Such a great feeling! Congratulations to all of you who participated and completed your goals :) *happy dance*

There have been some amazing accomplishments by my friends who are writing books. Several have been agented, published, or are beginning the query process and I am so proud of my beta clients. I love reading their works and I count myself to be blessed anytime anyone asks me to read and beta their writing. Thank you.

I was able to meet fellow book nerds this year, like my Nest Book Club friends. A lot of them. I couldn't be luckier when it comes to the network of people who love books like I do all around the country and even in Australia, New Zealand, UK, and Canada. I count myself so lucky to have met these people all through books <3

Now on to the new year! I decided to do two lists. One is a writing goals list and the other is a personal growth list. Here are my writing goals for 2011-

  • Get laptop back and in working order and back up all my writing onto zip drives. (It is currently being fixed by my friend's husband and if he can fix it, I will owe him my first born.)

  • Finish Inamorata like yesterday. (My short story, it will be not so much short, but it will be done in five more chapters!)

  • Do the 5 or so o/s and minis that are awaiting me for FGB. (I really want to help with more charity writing so I am donating a few one shots and mini-series shots.)

  • Hammer out transitions on NaNo10 and start revisions. (I can't do this til I get my laptop back though. I.E. the back up zip drive lesson learned.)

  • Create short story for Kerry and have her beta for submission by Sept. (My friend Kerry gave me a prompt, I wrote a 250 word flash fiction and now I want to write it into a submission for a few short story collections that Kerry told me about.)

  • Go back to NaNo10 and get it to beta readers and work on query if it doesn't blow. (It will take a lot, but I want to query this. I have faith in this story!)

  • Figure out if any of my other half dozen bunnies are worth their weight and teeth. (I've been bitten by quite a few plot bunnies.)

  • Revisit NaNo09 if I have any spirit left... (I hope I do!)

As for personal goals:

1- Get healthier.

2- Make time to just be with Hubbin.

3- Travel!

That's all I'm putting on my list for this year. They are broad and they are doable.  No stress :)

I hope 2011 has started with happiness for you all and you'll continue to check in with me as I finish my novel and read like mad!