Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday Five, late as usual!

Good things happening all around :)

# 1- I sold my first novel.

Such an amazing achievement, the second of the two things on my bucket list. Downpour, the story of Markus and how he deals with his new boyfriend being beaten up for being gay and how they cope together and heal with a lot of laughter and some tears. I wrote this entire novel in less than a month after seeing a barista at Starbuck's giving a homeless man a cup of coffee. From there, I was possessed by these characters and a book was born. It should be out in November if I can get my edits done!

# 2- I saw this awesome "literary" tattoo today!

# 3- I'm trying my hand at knitting again... start praying now :D

# 4- I started reading "Vicious Deep" over a month and a half ago.

 It's a wonderful book, I just haven't had the time to read. I promise I will be finishing it soon! Can't wait to review it because it has been fun! Thank you again to Melissa Landers, the author of Alienated, for loaning it to me!

# 5- And the best of all:

The first thing on my bucket list was to have a baby :D I need a new bucket list now!
(This also explains where I've been. Morning (see ALL EFFING DAY sickness is rough!)
We've been trying for three years, but I've wanted to be a mom since I knew that was an option when I was about 10 and started babysitting neighborhood kids. My husband and I were told that we couldn't have our own without a lot of interventions. We went to a few specialists and doctors. We decided to stop trying this spring and I started focusing on my health. I went gluten free in January and was working with  my doctor to get healthier. Apparently, it worked!

We're so excited and cannot wait to meet our little pirate-ninja baby in January!